Parish Council Standing Orders



a)     Standing orders are the written rules of a Local Council.

b)     All or part of a Standing Order, except one that incorporates mandatory statutory requirements, may be suspended by resolution in relation to the consideration of an item on the agenda of the meeting.




1.     The statutory Annual Meeting a) in an election year shall be held on the Thursday following the fourth day after the ordinary day of elections to the Council and b) in a year which is not an election year shall be held on the second Tuesday in May.

2.     The three other statutory meetings shall be held on the second Thursday in the months of January, March & November.

3.     Two additional meetings shall be held on the second Thursday in the months of July and September.




4.     The person presiding at a meeting may exercise all the powers and duties of the chairman in relation to the conduct of the meeting.




5.     No less than three members shall constitute a quorum.




6.     If a member so requires, the clerk shall record the names of the members who voted on any question so as to show whether they voted for or against it.

7.     a)  Subject to b), & c) below, the Chairman may give an original vote on any matter put to the vote, and in the case of an equality of votes, may give a casting vote even though he gave no original vote.

b)  If the person presiding at the annual Meeting would have ceased to be a member of the Council, but for statutory provisions which preserve the membership of the Chairman & vice-Chairman until the end of their term of office, he may not give an original vote in an election for Chairman.

c)  The person presiding must give a casting vote whenever there is an equality of votes in an election for





8.     At each Annual Meeting the first business shall be:

a)  To elect a Chairman.

b)  To receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office or, if not received, to decide when it

should be received.

c) To elect a Vice-Chairman.

d)  To receive the Vice-Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office or if not received, to decide when it should be received.

e) In the ordinary year of election of the Council, to fill any vacancies left unfilled at the election by reason

of insufficient nomination.

f)      To decide when any declarations of acceptance of office which have not been received as provided by

law shall be received.

9.     At every meeting other than the Annual Meeting the first business shall be to appoint a Chairman if the Chairman & Vice Chairman be absent, and to receive such declarations of acceptance of office as are required by law to be made or if not then received to decide when they shall be received.

10.  a)  After consideration, to approve the signature of the Minutes by the person presiding as a correct record.

b) To deal with business expressly required by statute to be done.




11.  a)  Orders for the payment of money shall be authorised by resolution of the Council.

b)  The Responsible financial Officer shall be the clerk.

c)     Internal control checks shall be made by one Parish Councillor.

d)    NCALC to provide an annual internal audit.

e)     External auditors on Local Government advice.

f)     Quotations for work:

(i)             Quotations for less than £10,000.00 – no need for 3 quotes

(ii)           Quotations over £10,000.00 – 3 quotes are needed.




12.  Chairmen of committees & sub committees shall in the case of an equality of votes have a casting vote.




13.  The Clerk shall record all member’s declarations of interest.




14.  All Minutes shall be open for the inspection of any member of the Council and will be displayed on the Parish Council’s website for public scrutiny.




15.  The public shall be admitted to al meetings of the Council & its committees which may temporarily exclude the public by means of a resolution.

16.  The clerk shall afford to the press reasonable facilities for taking their report of any proceedings at which they are entitled to be present.




a)     The Council has a Data Protection policy in place which will be updated when needed.

b)     The Council has nominated NCALC as its Data Protection Officer




a)     The Council has a Freedom of Information policy




It was agreed that meetings be held on the second Thursday of every month with the exception of August. Additional meetings can be called as required.


Click here for a print friendly copy of the Parish Council Standing Orders.


Updated and agreed by Pattishall Parish Council - May 2023